16th May 2015
What is Fair Trade?
We celebrated World Fair Trade Day last week and it was great and we told you all about it. And I realised as I was telling you all about what we were doing to celebrate that I have only rarely listed all the 10 principles of Fair Trade.
The principles are very well described and explained on the World Fair Trade Organisation website, of which Hathay Bunano, the maker of the Pebble toys, is a member.
During the Fair Trade Day celebrations, the Pebble distributor for the US, Kahiniwalla, started a nice series on Instagram showing each of the principles and using the drawings of Pebble toys and so we thought that this would make a lovely infographic and a nice way to list all the principles. I hope you find this an easy way to understand a little more about fair trade and why its so important. For all of us at Hathay Bunano and Pebble, we believe that all trade should be Fair Trade. There’s no reason why not! If we as producers make great fair trade products and you as consumers insist on buying fair trade then the concept has the power to change the world for the better.