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2nd April 2015

WFTO newsletter

We were really delighted this morning to see Pebble featured on the main page of the WFTO newsletter which goes out monthly to all members.

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At Hathay Bunano and Pebble we are really proud to be a part of the World Fair Trade Organisation and to be able to share and learn from so many other members, most of whom have much more experience than we do.    WFTO is having a new social media campaign in the run up to the WFTO conference in Milan in May where it will feature Agents for Change.   All members are requested to nominate an agent for change and to share pictures which can be shared via the WFTO social media network.

Hathay Bunano nominated Pebble, the brand, as our agent for change.   When Pebble was created in 2010 it enabled us to, much more clearly, tell the story of the artisans making the toys and made this much more accessible for all our customers.    Creating the Pebble brand made the work for the HBPS artisans much more secure and regular since we were then making a catalogue range of our own designed products rather than making different items for every customer under the white label concept.    We hope you enjoy reading the stories of the artisans and will continue to support the Pebble brand by buying our toys.

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The World Fair Trade Organization Label guarantees that
Pebble follows Fair Trade best
practices in our organisation.

Hathay Bunano Guaranteed Fair Trade