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15th September 2014

2nd Tiger Stocktaking Conference 2014

We were absolutely delighted that Rayhan Kabir, the Executive Director of Hathay Bunano ps, was asked to speak at the opening address of the 2nd Annual Tiger Stocktaking Conference held in Dhaka, Bangladesh last week.   The conference was attended by the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina.

tiger conference

The conference was organised by the Bangladesh Forest Department under the Ministry of Environment and Forests in co-operation with the Global Tiger Initiative, Global Tiger Forum and development partners including the World Bank and USAID. Thirteen countries were participating in the conference including, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Loa PDF, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Russia, Thailand, Vietnam and North Korea.



Image:  Rayhan Kabir, Executive Director HBPS, speaking at the Tiger conference

The conference was officially opened by Sheikh Hasina, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. Hathay Bunano and Pebble have been working with the USAID funded, Winrock administered, CREL programme to create alternative livelihoods in the Sundarbans in the south of Bangladesh as a way of actively preventing further deforestation and destruction of this magnificent mangrove forest and thereby maintaining the habitat for the tigers. The Sundarbans are home to the Royal Bengal Tiger, a symbol of great national pride to the Bangladeshi people. Rayhan was asked to address the conference at the inaugural opening to explain the work that Pebble have been doing and the success we have been achieving. We are so very happy and proud to be working to improve livelihoods for the very poor in this area and thereby maintain these fabulous habits for the wonderful Royal Bengal Tiger and contribute to mitigation of climate change.

You can read more about the conference and the results of the stock taking process

You can read the results of the Bangladesh Government’s stock taking process

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